Racism Isn’t Funny — So Why Does Archie Bunker Make Me Laugh?
How I fell in love with ‘All in the Family’s’ resident bigot
How I fell in love with ‘All in the Family’s’ resident bigot
Asking for a friend
Texas student Darryl George was forced to cut his dreads. A U.S. District Judge allowed a sex-discrimination civil rights suit to go forward while blocking the one alleging race discrimination. Why?
That innocent instrumental was loaded with hurtful lyrics
Years ago, schools weren't concerned with hoodies, but today in the era of school shootings, these are not allowed. Here's a solve
A recent study found that your Uber driver is twice as likely to cancel if you’re Black.
Who Is he to judge?
The televisions station has an ongoing association with the racist and a misogynist.
History and present experiences say this isn’t true.
Why Have Black People Been Left Out?
This is too much comfort in the work place.
An accurate telling of American history isn’t what they really want
Why we're in danger of losing this history and what we can do about it
In news we didn't see coming presidential candidate and former governor Nikki Haley throws out a whopper observation
It was far from easy getting MLK his much-deserved national holiday. Here is how it came together and why there's still work to be done
Were they cast out or raised up?
The question of race arises, not solely because Majors is Black and his then-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, whom he was found to have assaulted, is a blonde white girl.
For some enslaved people it was an opportunity to sing and dance. Others had to come to grips with seeing their families for the last time.
The city is accused of not properly policing the area, which has affected revenue.
His family and lawyer have complained about being left in the dark regarding details of the incident.
What are White folks really afraid of?
Digging into what's scary about Halloween's favorite fruit and decoration
By learning what motivates racial violence, we can get one step closer to preventing it
Aside from being racist, the act was far from motivational
In a familiar refrain, critics wish white women play Disney princesses in live-action remakes
So much for a hat trick
They will tell you that the KKK has all but disappeared. But all that's changed is the dress code.
A contestant was recently outed for saying the n-word—and it’s not the first (or second) time
There's a reason we don't want to go back to the office
A seaside fight along racial lines has turned into a viral sensation