5. Oval Office Bones Joe
The plaits. The Henny. What more can we say? There’s a resolute man at the Resolute Desk.
4. Vato Joe
The photo’s cropped, but we’re gonna go ahead and guess there’s a crispy pair of Cortez lurking somewhere out of frame.
3. Joekashi Stim9ine
Deepfakes may be democratized to the point you can make them on a damn app, but that doesn’t make the result any less entertaining.
2. Ben & Jerry’s Dunks Joe
Pantonesplosion aside, nothing says “I put that $1,400 to good use” like a federal-face pendant and a campaign tee!
1. Corner Store Joe
Name us a POTUS who pulls off the Newport matching set with this much savoir faire. We’ll wait.